New Construction Permits

Residential and commercial construction projects move a lot of earth and other materials. Sediment and debris from your site can be carried by stormwater to local waterbodies where it may negatively impact aquatic plant and animal life.

To ensure all contractors are doing their part to preserve local water quality, new construction jobs require permits. Superior StormWater Services, LLC in Albuquerque, NM can help you get and maintain compliance with stormwater permits.

Who Needs a Permit

National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits are required by any contractor who will be disturbing an acre or more of earth. If the construction project is part of a larger development, a permit is required even if the individual site is smaller than one acre.

Who Issues a Permit

The NPDES permit program is administered by the EPA. Many states, however, are authorized to issue permits. In the Southwest, NPDES permits are issued by the EPA for work in:

  • New Mexico
  • Arizona
  • Texas
  • Colorado

Tribal authorities, including the Pueblos of Sandia, Santa Ana and Isleta in New Mexico, may issue NPDES permits for construction on reservation property. Counties and municipalities may also have MS4 permits required for new construction.

Getting the Stormwater Permit Assistance You Need

Superior StormWater Services, LLC provides start-to-finish assistance with stormwater-related permitting. We have over 30 years of field experience and know which agencies handle new construction permits in your area. In addition to identifying permitting agencies and requirements, we can assist you by:

  • Developing an effective stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP)
  • Installing structural BMPs and implementing non-structural BMPs, including employee training
  • Maintain BMPs
  • Conduct routine and comprehensive inspections

Relying on the expertise of Superior StormWater Services, LLC can save you significant expense and hassle. Contact us for NPDES permit consultation before you break ground on your new construction project.

Call us at 505-433-3693 to talk to a certified stormwater expert about your NPDES permit requirements.

Cost-effective Stormwater Pollution Prevention Solutions